Phil Kirkwood

Phil runs Kirkwood Business Services, helping business owners who are stretched with time and resources, to keep moving forward with their web, blog and social media scheduling.
What was your inspiration for starting Kirkwood Business Services?
Following my redundancy during the pandemic I decided to take a leap of faith and put my energy and skills into starting my own business.
What are you most passionate about at work?
I love helping people produce high quality content that they can be proud of, that promotes their business in the best possible way, so that they can grow. Listening to what business owners want, being creative with ideas and opportunities, and then bringing it to life is highly rewarding.
What clients have you been working with recently?
I’ve been doing a lot of work with an award-winning web and creative agency called Aubergine. They have a client who required support with their social media content and scheduling. I created short, punchy content from their long, detailed brief and scheduled that across LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Working with you and Tom I’ve been creating blog graphics to use on your social media channels and website. I’ve also designed and produced short animated videos using Canva for National Mentoring Day and to launch your new website.
How do you charge clients?
For bespoke work I charge an hourly rate of £31 and for on-going retained work I charge a monthly fee based on how much activity each client requires to manage their web, blog and social media campaigns.
How can our tribe help you?
Get in touch if I can help you grow your business. If you’re stretched for time, being inconsistent with your social media posts, or need an injection of creativity I’d love to have a chat to see if we can work together.