Michael Lebor

It was super chatting with Michael, filmmaker extraordinaire from Rabbit-Hole.film, he makes short videos to promote and market organisations including our very own. We were impressed by his planning and support at the start of the project; his professionalism and can-do attitude throughout; and his project managing skills to pull together the animator, designer, copywriter and voiceover artist.
What was your inspiration for starting Rabbit-Hole.film?
After working across film, tv and advertising for many years I wanted to create a company that had a more specific niche.
What are you most passionate about at work?
Telling engaging stories.
Project managing, particularly on the day of filming – making the best of the day.
I enjoy leading the producing and directing team.
It’s fun editing to see the project come together and show the final realisation of the vision.
What clients have you been working with recently?
Check out NewLeafs promotional video here
I produced and directed a promotional video for a pharmaceutical company, which is the first ever to use CRISPR gene editing technology. The film was shot in London, Oxford and Edinburgh.
What equipment do you use?
I own all of my own equipment including cameras, lighting, sound and editing software. If required we can hire specialist equipment.
What other services do you offer?
- Creative pre-production
- Copywriting
- Voiceover
- Animation
- End to end production
- Sound recording and music composition
- Location scouting
- Post production
How do you charge clients?
Following a project exploration meeting I plan a detailed budget which we then discuss, agree and work to.
How can our tribe help you?
Get in touch if we can help you grow your business with short videos to promote and market your company