Or team needs?
With so many companies working remotely or adopting a hybrid model there is a need to create the opportunity for people to:
- Get to know each other more deeply
- Share experiences together
- Have fun together
- Learn new things together
- Brainstorm with a flip chart!
- Be seen and heard in real life
This is an in-person workshop focused on your key team members delivered at your offices, on an away day or residential retreat at a pace and cost that works for you.
Book in now for a free 60-minute consultation to discuss your needs and how we can work together, or contact us with your enquiry.
“Imagine having two of the best people you could meet at your side, working just as hard for you as they would for themselves. That’s what it feels like working with these two, giving their all and absolute care and attention to me personally.
The course really helped me quickly get to the heart of some of the big issues in my life, identifying my guiding principles, and how these link to the rest of my life and career.
They also help inspire action. I had a couple of problem issues I’d been procrastinating on for years, which finally got actioned within a couple of weeks from starting the course.”