The Anti-Racist Organisation

Racism has existed in the workplace for centuries and in her book The Anti-Racist Organization, Shereen Daniels states clearly that “…this is not going to magically fix itself overnight.” She is asking leaders to identify where our organisation is and where we would like it to be on her ‘Racial Equity Maturity Model.’
Level 1 – A Compliance Issue
Level 2 – Intent to be Inclusive
Level 3 – Strategic Focus and Specific Commitment
Level 4 – Public and Private Accountability
Here, leaders make “…proactive and authentic decisions, planning for racial equity in their walls and use their power and privilege to advocate for greater change, greater transparency and holding their industry to account.”
This is an ambitious and important book that creates a template for significant cultural change. Following George Floyds murder, companies have been putting up their hand to try and be better, to live by their values. Most likely that means starting at Level 1 or Level 2. But as Shereen points out, real change is hard and takes time and resources to move to Level 3 and Level 4. As a leader where is your organisation and where do you want it to go in the future? If you want to help dismantle systemic racism in your workplace you need to read this book and then take action, systemic action.